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Randy’s Amino Acid Calculator

Always use the most current version, as I continually improve, correct, and update the calculator  — many thanks to beekeeper Yannis Petrakis from Crete, Greece for testing it and pointing out errors and improvements!

Current version (updated 31 May 2023)  Randys-amino-acid-ratio-calculator-V2023-c

In my research on pollen subs, I’ve come to find that some outperform others.

Based upon their analyses, there’s a strong case to be made that getting the essential amino acids (EAAs) into proper balance is very important.

So I created a calculator to help any beekeeper or manufacturer to check the EAA ratios of their formulations against de Groot’s recommendations.  Here’s a snip of the worksheet in Excel.  The gray columns represent de Groot’s recommendations;  the red columns indicate my revised suggestions (justification currently in press in ABJ), the green columns represent the diet that you input.  Any green columns shorter than their corresponding gray (or red)  column may indicate a deficiency in that EAA.

The calculator allows you to determine the amount of any EAA concentrate to add to your formulation in order to reach the correct balance.

March 2023:  I updated the calculator to show percent total protein, the EAA: total protein ratio, and corrected some errors for the EAA concentrates, which now show how little of them you need to add to balance a formulation.

Here’s an example of it being used to balance a diet:


Have fun!
