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Almond Pollination

Many commercial beekeepers take their hives to pollinate the almond bloom each February in California.  Contrary to some media scare, colonies generally do quite well in the orchards, and come back strong and healthy.

For a brief and beautiful video of the almonds in bloom by a visitor of the Koehnens, take a look at https://youtu.be/mpCDO5Xj-WI

Welcome to the 4th Agricultural Revolution!

Contents THE OTHER AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTIONS. 3 The First Revolution (The Neolithic Revolution) 4 The Second Revolution. 4 The Third Revolution (The “Green Revolution”) 5 The Fourth Revolution (“Agriculture 4.0) 6 The Almond Industry. 6 The Honey Industry. 7 Miticide Resistance. 7 FACTORS INVOLVED IN ALMOND POLLINATION. 8 Demand from the Almond Industry. 8 Climate Change […]

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Testing Cotton Matrices for OAE

Contents The Fabrics to Test Preparation A Field Trial Results Discussion   TESTING COTTON MATRICES FOR OAE Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First published in ABJ January 2023   I continue to look for improved methods for application of extended-release oxalic acid (OAE), and thought that perhaps there might be an inexpensive, fully biodegradable all-cotton fabric that […]

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2009 Almond Pollination Outlook

2009 Almond Pollination Outlook Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First published in ABJ November 2008   This is again the time of year when beekeepers want someone to look into the crystal ball and make predictions about the upcoming pollination season.  No one that I know of has such a clairvoyant device, but we can certainly discuss […]

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Determining The Relative Value of Hives for Almond Pollination

First published in: American Bee Journal, October 2018

Contents A Revisit of Sheesley and Poduska. 1 Sheesley and Poduska’s Data. 2 Sheesley’s Conclusion. 7 Citations and Notes. 8     Determining the Relative Value of Hives for Almond Pollination First Published in ABJ October 2018 Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com      As we approach time to line up almond contracts, we should be setting prices […]

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2012 Almond Pollination Update

First published in: American Bee Journal, April 2012

2012 Almond Pollination Update ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in April 2012 Randy Oliver Who woulda thunk, what with all the lousy weather last spring, widespread summer drought, the reports of massive queen failures, the disastrous honey crop, and the high winter losses of the past few years, that there would have been enough colonies […]

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Almond Pollination 2008 and Beyond

Almond Pollination 2008 and Beyond The Game Continues Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First published in ABJ Oct 2007   As I write this, it’s mid August, and a beekeepers thoughts turn toward almonds.  Not the nut, but the beautiful blossoming trees, and especially their need for pollination.  My friends in Chile and Australia have already moved […]

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California Dreaming vs California Reality: The Status of Almond Pollination – Part 2

California Dreamin’  Part 2 Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in November 2006 The almond pollination market is dynamic, but I haven’t heard of much change since last month. It appears that beekeepers affected by drought and heat have taken their losses and readjusted their expected numbers of colonies. Many who hoped to make […]

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California Dreaming vs. California Reality: The Status of Almond Pollination for 2007 – Part 1

California Dreamin’ vs. California Reality: The Status of Almond Pollination for 2007 Part 1 By Randy Oliver with Keith Jarrett © Randy Oliver 2007 ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in October 2006 Photos to be added Last year California relived the Gold Rush of 1849. But this time the rush was not for the precious […]

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