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Varroa IPM Strategies

The Varroa Problem: Part 17c – Being Part of the Solution

First published in: American Bee Journal, September 2018

Contents Defining our Objectives. 4 LIVE AND LET DIE “Bond Method.. 4 “NATURAL” Beekeeping.. 5 The Mutualistic Symbiosis Between the Bee and Humans. 6 Recreational Beekeeping. 7 “TREATMENT FREE” Beekeepers. 7 Eliminating the Fitness Benefit to the Varroa/DWV Complex Gained by Killing its host hive. 9 Darwinian Beekeeping. 9 The Dream of a “Gentler” Mite. […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 17b – The Evolution of Bees, Mites, and DWV

First published in: American Bee Journal, August 2018

Contents A Primer on the Drivers of Evolution. 2 Defining the Niche. 2 The Breeding Population. 3 The Honey bee Populations in the U.S. 4 Reproduction and Dispersal 7 Acknowledgements. 9 Notes and Citations. 9     The Varroa Problem: Part 17b The Evolution of Bees, Mites, and DWV First Published in ABJ August 2018 […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 17a – Treatment Free Beekeeping and Being Part of the Solution Rather than Part of the Problem

First published in: American Bee Journal, July 2018

Contents Being part of The Solution rather than part of The Problem.. 1 Assigning the blame. 2 Let’s first get some facts straight. 3 Our part in creating the monster. 8 Understanding Bee, Varroa, Virus & Beekeeping Coevolution. 9 it’s all about successful dispersal and transmission. 10 Here’s how it works. 11 Next. 13 Acknowledgements. […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 16b – Bee Drift and Mite Dispersal (cont.)

First published in: American Bee Journal, May 2018

Contents Bee Drift and Mite Dispersal (continued) 1 So why do colonies allow bees to drift in?. 1 The sheer numbers involved. 4 The amount of mite drift into other hives. 5 Collapse and Robbing. 7 What happens to all the mite-infested bees when a colony collapses?. 8 Swarms coming back to bite you in […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 16a Bee Drift and Mite Dispersal

First published in: American Bee Journal, April 2018

Contents Bee Drift and Mite Dispersal 1 Dispersal of varroa. 2 Phoresy, grooming, and host preference by the mites. 3 The shifting of varroa’s preferred transport. 6 Our unnaturally close placement of hives in apiaries. 7 Measured rates of hive-to-hive worker and drone drift. 7 The Diffusion of Mites. 8 Are some hives more attractive […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 15 – Modeling the Effect of Mite Treatments

First published in: American Bee Journal, February 2018

Contents Early-season mite management. 2 Mid-season mite management. 4 Late-summer mite management. 4 A day-by-day model 5 The basics of oxalic vaporization. 6 The optimal interval for OA vaporization treatments. 9 Fall-winter mite management. 13 Acknowledgements. 13 Notes and Citations. 14   The Varroa Problem: Part 15 Modeling the Effect of Mite Treatments Randy Oliver […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 14- Virus Dynamics and Treatments

First published in: American Bee Journal, January 2018

Contents The problem with waiting too late to treat. 1 Virus dynamics and miticides. 3 The question of timing. 3 the proportion of mites that are in the brood. 5 Efficacy of treatments. 8 The problem with the bombs. 8 Coming next. 10 Acknowledgements. 10 Notes and Citations. 10     The Varroa Problem: Part […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 13 Using the Mite Model

First published in: American Bee Journal, December 2017

The Varroa Problem: Part 13 Using the Mite Model First published in ABJ December 2017 Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com It’s been nearly 25 years since I saw the first varroa mite in one of my hives, and it’s been a wild ride since then.  Not only for our bees, but also for the business of beekeeping, […]

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The Varroa Problem: Part 12- Building a Model

First published in: American Bee Journal, November 2017

The Varroa Problem: Part 12 Building a Model First published in ABJ November 2017 Randy Oliver ScientificBeekeeping.com      In my last article, I showed the basic math of varroa buildup during the period of broodrearing, and the subsequent decline of the mite population when no broodrearing was taking place.  My simple graphs were illustrative of […]

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Other resources on varroa management

There are a number of other resources for reliable information on varroa management, some of which I’ll include links for: The Honey Bee Health Coalition released this summary of mite management tools in 2015.  Free download at Tools for Varroa Management

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Managing Varoa: Part 1 – IPM Realities

First published in: American Bee Journal, March 2011

I welcome practical, tested tips, methods, and assessments from other beekeepers who are successfully keeping bees with varroa.  I found this article to be a good reality check on certain varroa IPM methods.  It was originally published in the March 2011 ABJ, and I asked the author if I could post it to this website.  […]

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IPM 3 Fighting Varroa : Strategy – Understanding Varroa Population Dynamics

IPM 3 Fighting Varroa : Strategy – Understanding Varroa Population Dynamics © Randy Oliver 2006 ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in February 2007 What are the Population Dynamics of Varroa in a Honeybee Colony? Seasonal Factors Computer Models What Can We Do to Keep the Mite Population Under Control? Tactics Used by Mite-Tolerant Bees Acknowledgements […]

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IPM 2 Fighting Varroa 2: Choosing your Troops: Breeding Mite-Fighting Bees

IPM 2 Fighting Varroa 2 Choosing your Troops Breeding Mite-Fighting Bees (Second in a series on Integrated Pest Management of varroa) ScientificBeekeeping.com Originally published in ABJ, Jan. 2007 I got tired of getting my butt kicked by varroa. My first step in getting the upper hand on the mite was to forswear the coddling of […]

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IPM 1 Fighting Varroa : The Silver Bullet, or Brass Knuckles?

IPM 1 Fighting Varroa The Silver Bullet, or Brass Knuckles? © Randy Oliver 2006, 2009 ScientificBeekeeping.com First Published in ABJ in December 2006 The varroa mite is the toughest challenge ever faced by American beekeepers. Our reaction to it reminds me of the five stages of dealing with trauma (greatly paraphrased from Kubler-Ross 1997): Stage […]

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